50K Challenge : last year’s feedback
05 August, 2019

Last year we set a challenge for ostomates across the UK to walk,run,cycle and swim their way to a combined goal of 50,000km. This challenge inspired many people to get more active and stay active…

“My personal best time for running 5K (in recent years!) is 31 minutes and 40 seconds. I equalled this time 3 days before I had major surgery for bowel cancer on 30th January 2018. The surgery resulted in a permanent colostomy and subsequently I started 6 months of chemotherapy treatment on 19th March. My aim is to gradually and gently get back to running and beat my 5K personal best by the end of October this year, whilst raising money for Colostomy UK.
In the past few months I have received wonderful support and information from Colostomy UK , helping me get accustomed to my new life with a stoma, so I want to use this opportunity to give a little back.
Training will have to be slow and gentle to begin with and training opportunities will be limited due to my chemo treatment regime, however any money you feel able to donate to Colostomy UK I’m sure will spur me on to achieve my goal.
I will also be logging all training Kms to add towards Colostomy UK’s 50,000 Km challenge. Over a six-month period people will be running, walking, climbing, swimming, cycling, crawling or jogging any number of metres to help them reach their target of 50,000 kilometres. We are going to PROVE that having a stoma is not a barrier to being active!”
Annie took on the 50K Challenge because “I had surgery 2 years ago for an ileostomy, then last year I had surgery to remove my entire colon! The last few years have been quite a struggle with numerous surgeries and complications. Completing 1000km was a massive challenge for me that I’m so proud to have achieved!”

The Challenge inspired David to take up walking every day with his faithful friend Toby as well as playing golf twice a week. David took up the challenge because “By getting active I’ll spread the word that people with stomas can do anything.”

The challenge inspired Peta to take up Cycling and Badminton on a weekly basis. As well as the health benefits she also raised over £300 to support our Active Ostomates project.

East Berkshire Ostomy Club
Several members of the Bracknell based stoma support group took up walking on a regular basis thanks to the 50K challenge. They also inspired the other members of their group to enjoy a number of brisk strolls through the beautiful surroundings of South Hill House and Park.

Emma says that “As 5 women who… honestly… don’t do a lot of exercise… We’re signing up to walk, jog or crawl our way to completing 5000km in 5 months” And they did it! Congratulations to Michelle, Perri, Amanda, and Linda. Through a combination of tough mudder events, inflatable obstacle courses, & 5K runs achieved their target and also managed to raise nearly £300 for Active Ostomates!
2019 brings a new challenge, Stoma 66.