Accessible Travel. How are our Airports doing?

12 July, 2019

Colostomy UK have been working with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and several major UK Airports since 2018 to increase awareness and recognition of the needs of travellers with a stoma and other hidden conditions.

This week the CAA published their fourth annual report on disability access.

It found that a record 3.7 million passengers were assisted at 31 airports between 1 April 2018 and 31 March this year. The CAA rated the service of 14 airports as “very good”, and 16 as “good”. Only Manchester was classified as “needs improvement”.

“These results show significant improvements to the experience many disabled passengers faced before our reporting began,” said Paul Smith, consumers and markets director at the CAA.

Libby Herbert, General Manager for Colostomy UK commented “We have been up and down the country actively involved with a number of airports across the UK. Training, influencing and collaborating to make travel more accessible to people living with a hidden condition, there is still a long way to go however, we are in the right places to get involved and be listened to”

You can read the report here  You can find out more about what we’re doing to improve the flying experience for people with a stoma here 


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