Is the adhesive on your stoma bag strong enough? How important is adhesion to you?

01 May, 2023


There are a wide variety of stoma bags available to choose from, with a whole set of features. But when given a choice, members of Colostomy UK rated adhesion as the most important factor when selecting a stoma bag.

Good level of adhesion can help reduce leakage and provide greater comfort thus giving you the peace of mind to live a life more ordinary.


NaturFit®: rated highly by Ostomates for its adhesion

NaturFit®, by Opus Healthcare, is our one-piece stoma bag range designed to fit comfortably to the contours and shape of your body.  The oval hydrocolloid is not only gentle on the skin, but also soft and flexible for a comfortable fit. The hydrocolloid is designed using GRD® technology which minimises the gaps between the adhesive and skin, thus adhering to the skin and reducing the risk of leakage.

At Opus, we have undertaken feedback programmes to ensure NaturFit® meets the needs of ostomates.

NaturFit® has been highly rated for adhesion and comfort by new and experienced ostomates.

NaturFit® rated particularly high in adhesion with 82%* of experienced ostomates saying they were as good as or better than their current bag. 1


What do Ostomates say about NaturFit® range?

  • “These are the best pouches I have tried and get them on my prescription now”
  • “They did feel nice and soft on my skin. Also felt lighter and was more flush against my skin”
  • “Very good seal and adhesive, felt very secure”
  • “It felt very secure and safe”

Ostomates – NaturFit User Acceptability Test 1


Try it for free and give us your feedback

As everyone’s skin in different, we would love your feedback. Visit for a free sample and quote CUK2023.

You can also join our feedback programme, so please get in touch through our contact form for more information.


Stoma Management range from Opus: we provide a complete solution

To help manage your stoma, in addition to our bags we also offer a range of accessories including adhesive removers, skin barrier wipes and stoma bridges. If you are having challenges with removing your stoma bag, pancaking, or difficulties with liquid discharge, or even odour, we have a solution for you.

You can also order free samples to try our accessories. Visit for a free sample and quote CUK2023.


* Patient User Acceptance test with 92 patients. To verify, please contact

Reference: 1. Data on file. NaturFit User Acceptability Test. 2019.


Date of preparation: March 2023



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