Colostomy Association statement on Holby City

13 April, 2017

Colostomy Association would like to make known their disappointment in the way that colostomy surgery was portrayed in the episode of Holby City ‘Someone to look after me’ which was aired on BBC1 on 12th April 2017.

Contrary to how the outcome of the surgery was depicted, having a colostomy does not make you a ‘burden for the rest of your life’ and you do not need to be ‘waited on hand and foot’.

The Colostomy Association is a charity that provides support, reassurance and practical advice to anyone who has or is about to have stoma surgery and we believe that everyone with a colostomy should be able to live a full and active life.  We are constantly campaigning to change the out of date misconceptions about having a colostomy and promote the fact that in a majority of cases no one can even tell you have a colostomy and you can continue to lead a full and active life. Indeed, in most cases having stoma surgery can improve life for the patient or even save their life.

No one should be worried that they have to ‘prepare for the worst’ and that they are going to be a ‘burden’ if they are told they require stoma surgery, and we are disappointed that the BBC chose to offer this view.

Anyone in a similar position can contact us for advice on 0800 328 4257

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