Josh the snow leopard is off to paediatric departments

21 November, 2016

Our Junior Ostomy Support Helpline (JOSH) snow leopards are making their way to paediatric departments across the UK thanks to grant funding. Nurses will be able to give these cuddly animals to children who are about to have or are recovering from stoma surgery, or who have bowel and bladder dysfunctions. Along with a JOSH leaflet, nurses will ensure that parents and children know that they are not alone and that JOSH volunteers are there to support them.

Anyone can be affected by stoma surgery, regardless of age, and our Junior Ostomy Support Helpliners are able to provide support, information and reassurance to parents and young people who need someone to talk to. Our JOSH team of volunteer parents give confidential, unbiased and practical advice on raising a child with a stoma, or a bladder or bowel dysfunction. More information about JOSH

If you are a peadiatric department and would like to receive a free stock of our JOSH snow leopards, please get in touch on 0118 939 1537


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