Colostomy Association forms partnership with Reading Samaritans

15 February, 2016

The Colostomy Association has launched a new partnership with Reading Samaritans to ensure our charity is able to better respond to all types of calls to our 24-hour helpline.

Colostomy Association helpline staff and volunteers are now able to refer callers to Reading Samaritans if anyone feels they could benefit from additional emotional support.

Additionally, Colostomy Association volunteers are set to receive further helpline training from Reading Samaritans while the Colostomy Association will provide a workshop to the Reading Samaritans branch to ensure they are able to better understand the concerns of people living with a stoma.

Emma Campolucci, Outreach and Partnership Director for Reading Samaritans, said: “The Colostomy Association has some great helpline staff who support people with their medical condition, however there might be times when speaking to a Samaritan as well as speaking to them could benefit a caller.

“The team at the Colostomy Association can now refer people to Reading Samaritans via a dedicated answerphone so we can call back anyone they feel needs additional emotional support (with the callers permission). I look forward to working closely with the team at the Colostomy Association who seem enthusiastic and dedicated to supporting people who need advice or support with their medical condition.”

Receive impartial, confidential and practical support through the Colostomy Association’s 24-hour helpline on 0800 328 4257.

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