Launch of new ‘Sport & Fitness After Stoma Surgery’ booklet

08 February, 2016

The Colostomy Association has launched a brand new booklet to help patients get back into sport and fitness following stoma surgery.

The new booklet contains information for patients who were already active before surgery and those looking to pick up a sport for the first time. It contains advice on swimming, cycling, contact sports, hiking, yoga, jogging as well as some simple exercises for ostomates to try at home.

‘Sports and Fitness after Stoma Surgery’ was written with the assistance of stoma care nurses and physiotherapists to ensure the information is both correct and relevant to patients with an ostomy.

A spokesperson for the Colostomy Association said: “Many patients can find getting active after surgery intimidating. We are incredibly proud to announce the launch of our new leaflet which should help ostomates across the country stay fit and healthy.”

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