Colostomy Association pilots ‘Caring for Colostomates’ initiative

15 January, 2016

Carers of individuals living with a stoma in Berkshire are being encouraged to enrol on workshops being trialed by the Colostomy Association in Reading.

The workshops provide practical guidance and advice as well as being an opportunity for carers to meet with and talk to other people in similar situations to themselves.

This project has been funded by the National Lottery through Awards for All and the workshops are delivered by a qualified stoma care nurse. The Colostomy Association’s Development Officer, Giovanni Cinque, said: “Patients with a stoma receive a lot of support, but often the impact on family members and friends is ignored. Our free workshops will not only help answer some of the questions carers have, they will also make a positive impact on the lives of patients.”

In addition to the free workshops for individuals, the Colostomy Association is also running training sessions for local care workers in Reading, Bracknell and other locations in the Thames Valley to improve the quality of care service for patients.

Anyone interested in registering should contact Giovanni Cinque on 0118 9391537.

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