Thank you for considering making a donation

There are more than 200,000 people living with stomas in the UK today – that’s 1 in every 335 of us.

Your donation will ensure we can be there for each and every one of them, with the reliable, free information and support they might need, when they need it, and in the ways they prefer to access it.


To make a donation through our secure online platform by credit or debit card, or to set up a direct debit for a regular gift, please click here


Or there are a number of other ways in which you can make a donation:


By post


Please make your cheque or postal order payable to Colostomy UK and send it to us at:

Colostomy UK
100 Berkshire Place
Berkshire RG41 5RD


Via JustGiving





  • To donate £1, text ColUK001 to 70201
  • To donate £5, text ColUK001 to 70970
  • To donate £10, text ColUK001 to 70191

The amount you donate will be added to your mobile phone bill, or deducted from your pay-as-you-go credit, and you will receive a reply confirming your gift. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. For Terms & Conditions see 


Via payroll giving


If you are an employee or occupational pensioner, payroll giving is a very easy way for you to make a regular donation directly from your pay, before tax is deducted. This costs you as the donor less, and we as the charity receive more – win-win! Ask your employer to add you to their payroll giving scheme.


Thank you for helping to make a positive difference for people living with stomas.

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