Bullen Healthcare

Bullen Healthcare is a fourth generation, family owned independent dispensing appliance contractor. We deliver stoma, urology, wound care and prescription medications direct to people’s houses.

Who can Join?

We are delighted to be joining the Colostomy UK #Stoma66 challenge and look forward to getting out and about along the world famous waterfront here in Liverpool, and to seeing how many miles our fantastic customers can walk. We’d love all our customers to join our team.

Stoma 66 is all about challenging yourself. It’s about trying to make regular exercise a part of your daily life. Every step by every person counts towards our 66,000km target, there is no set distance you need to achieve, and you don’t need to be active every single day, just take note of how much activity you’re doing.

For details of how we use your data, please refer to our privacy policy. You can contact us at any time to change your data preferences.



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