Team Lisa

“I have signed up as I have an ileostomy and I am in the process of becoming a volunteer with Colostomy UK. I want to help raise as much funds and awareness as possible. It’s amazing that Colostomy UK provide activities specifically for ostomates, giving us the opportunity to do something we enjoy, keeping us active and helping us make new friends.”

Who can Join?

Anyone can join Team Lisa! Stoma 66 is all about challenging yourself. It’s about trying to make regular exercise a part of your daily life. Every step by every person counts towards our 66,000km target, there is no set distance you need to achieve, and you don’t need to be active every single day, just take note of how much activity you’re doing.

For details of how we use your data, please refer to our privacy policy. You can contact us at any time to change your data preferences.



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