My Story

“At the start of the year I had no idea what a stoma was. February 2019 I was diagnosed with bowel cancer. I then quickly learnt what a stoma was through my amazing stoma nurses. I didn’t think I would be able to be me with a stoma, I’ve always been super active, work as a police officer, play football as well as do a number of other sports. The cancer diagnosis came as a complete shock and being told I would have a stoma made me very anxious about what my life would be like after surgery. I’ve realised I can still be me, and do all the things I could do before. I am taking on the challenge to encourage people to be active.

I hope to raise awareness on what a stoma is and encourage people to become more active, and make this a way of life. Healthy body, healthy mind is a motto I completely live by. I’d also like to encourage people to be active together. Exercise and spending time with people you love are two things which are better than any medicine out there.”

Who can Join?

All my family and friends (and their friends/family – the more people that are encouraged to be active the better!)

Stoma 66 is all about challenging yourself. It’s about trying to make regular exercise a part of your daily life. Every step by every person counts towards our 66,000km target, there is no set distance you need to achieve, and you don’t need to be active every single day, just take note of how much activity you’re doing.

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