Stoma 66 Team Highlight: Cresswell Crusaders and Team Lisa
13 October, 2019

Teams up and down the country have been inspired to take part in stoma 66 including hospitals, airports, stoma care industry, support group and families. They’re all helping us towards reaching our ultimate combined goal of 66,000km.
This week we wanted to highlight two family teams.
Cresswell Challengers
The Challengers are a brother and sister team who are trying to do our bit to help raise awareness and funds for Colsotomy UK. Their dad has recently battled cancer and now has two stomas and seeing as he has two stomas and there are two of them they have set themselves an ambitious target of 200 miles.
Team Lisa
Lisa wanted to take on the Stoma 66 challenge as “It’s amazing that Colostomy UK provide activities specifically for ostomates, giving us the opportunity to do something we enjoy, keeping us active and helping us make new friends.” she has encouraged her close family to help her out and between them they have already managed to achieve more than 100km.
Thanks to everyone who has signed up. Don’t forget to mail back your progress chart, or log your distance online.