Stoma 66 Team Highlight: CUI and Up The Purps

20 October, 2019

Another week and so another opportunity to highlight two teams that taking on our Stoma 66 challenge. This week we wanted to focus on CUI Wear and Up The Purps.

CUI wear

CUI are a valued partner to the NHS working with and supporting clinicians. They are a manufacturer and supplier of innovative garments for hernia prevention or support of existing herniation. As a team they spend many hours on the road, visiting people and providing fittings and all that time in a car can’t be good! That’s why they were keen to take on the Stomas 66 and get active over a prolonged period of time.

Up the Purps

If you follow our Team Colostomy UK accounts on Instagram or twitter you may have seen the hashtag #UpThePurps. This is the nickname we give to our Rugby League team who play games throughout the country. As well as helping to raise awareness, the games are very much a social event and as such players wanted to set up their own Stoma 66 team. Noticeable members include Ollie who has clocked up 235 km so far. You might recognise him from the front page of our fundraising pack, he is a very active chap and alongside playing rugby regularly dons the Team Colostomy UK running vest, recently competing his first half marathon.

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