Have your say on the future of Stoma care pathways
07 January, 2020

NHS supply chain are asking ostomates to help them understand the problems faced by and manage the expectations of people with stomas and identify why there is a range of experiences and services. ]
The results from this survey will be used to inform a national strategy on improving stoma care pathways. All responses will remain anonymous.
They are collecting information on stoma products and services for use with:
– A Colostomy
– An Ileostomy
– A Urostomy
If you’d like to contribute to their survey you can do by clicking on the following link
All information given will be managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (see the privacy notice at the start of the survey) and will help to inform the project with next steps and outcomes. The surveys will be live from 7 January until 3 March 2020.
Who are the NHS Supply Chain Ostomate Project Team?
They are a group of healthcare and procurement professionals within NHS Supply Chain made up of a Clinical Lead, Consultant Nurse (Stoma Care), Pharmacist and managers with service and quality improvement and clinical and procurement experience. This project team is responsible for delivering the new NHS Supply Chain Ostomate project.
Why are they looking at Stoma Care?
There is evidence to show that the way in which the NHS manages some of its services can be improved, and stoma care is one of these areas. There may be lots of reasons for this and therefore they are doing this work to get your thoughts and feedback.
All information given will be managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (see the privacy notice at the start of the survey) and will help to inform the project with next steps and outcomes. The surveys will be live from 7 January until 3 March 2020.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.