Important update
23 March, 2020

March 12th 2020. With the developing situation around Covid-19 and as a health and wellbeing charity, Colostomy UK wants to ensure that it puts in place responsible measures to protect our team (volunteers and office team) and, of course, the people we support. With this in mind, Colostomy UK’s board of trustees have decided to postpone all of our events and cancel our attendance at open days until the end of April. This includes our Active Ostomates Swim in Derry on March 16th and our Rugby League match against Chorley Panthers on the 28th March.
Although this is disappointing, we hope you understand why we have come to this decision. We look forward to running these events later in the year.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0118 939 1537 or e-mail
Please keep an eye on our website for further updates.