Not all heroes wear capes!
28 May, 2020

The last weekend of April saw thousands of people across the country take part in activities in their homes or outside (observing social distancing) to raise much needed funds for charities like Colostomy UK.
The 2.6 Challenge was the brainchild of the London Marathon’s organisers. Forced to cancel this year’s event, they wanted to come up with an alternative, to help charities recoup lost income. As you have probably worked out, the ‘2.6’ in the ‘2.6 Challenge’ comes from the 26.6 mile distance of a marathon!
Here at Colostomy UK we were lucky enough to have a team of ‘heroes’ who, donning their running or walking shirts and shoes, or picking up their musical instruments and paint brushes, raised funds and awareness for us.
Here are just some of their stories:
“When I heard that they were cancelling the London Marathon I knew that it would have a devastating effect on so many charities. So, when I saw the 2.6 challenge being advertised I knew that here was my chance to do something. I have never been the most sporty person but I can draw and paint.
I have spent my entire working life illustrating, painting and teaching art. I decided to embrace the challenge and create 26 postcard size watercolours which I would sell for £26.00 each. This turned out to be quite a marathon in itself! I gave myself 10 days to complete the paintings and I posted them on Facebook as they were completed.
At first I was worried in case they didn’t sell. However, they began to sell as soon as I posted them and I just kept working. It was great because the people sponsoring me were getting something in return. Between us all we managed to raise £700 in 10 days for colostomy UK”
“Given everything that is going on at the moment, Sunday 26th was London Marathon day – a day when many charities are in the spotlight when “athletes” attempt the personal challenge of a marathon raising money for great causes. Given the effects of the “bad cough” and allowed only an hour out we decided to walk/jog/run 2.6km – or 5.2km (circuit around the lanes of our house) for Colostomy UK, wearing Purple Team Colostomy UK jerseys “loud and proud” and doing our bit to raise funds, on a warm spring morning and giving us as a family an hour away from the “bad cough!”
“I decided to take part in the 2.6 challenge on the 26th April to raise some funds and have fun for Colostomy UK.
I found a circular walk a little over 2.6 miles around our local canal so that’s what I did with my husband. I asked my daughter and family if they would like to join us virtually so they cycled three circuits of 2.6 around Greenham Common with my three and five year-old grandchildren on their bikes.
I created a Just Giving page to explain what we were doing and that funds would help Colostomy UK support others.
We were very proud to have had donations of £165.00 and raised awareness of Colostomy UK with our friends.”
Kaven and the Chorley Panthers Open Age team.
“As soon as I saw the 2.6 Challenge I jumped at the chance to do something for Colostomy UK, no matter what it was, I wanted to take part. When I mentioned it on our Whatsapp group the lads were keen to be involved also and came up with a number of ideas of what they’d do. From 2.6 mile runs, 26k bike rides, 26 conversions and 26 tyre flips (done twice) we had lots of people take part. Team mates and family members did their bit to raise awareness and money.”
“I am very much an active ostomate. Exercise is so good for you, for a healthy body and mind. With the lockdown it was going to be difficult for some people to be active due to lack of space, and also have the motivation to be active. So I thought about doing some videos for my footie girls to help motivate us to remain active during lockdown. I wanted to show people different exercises you can do at home and without any equipment. I also wanted to do the videos as a way of keeping in touch with people. Lockdown will be lonely for a lot of people.
I read about the 2.6 Challenge on a tweet from Colostomy UK and realised how much charities are losing out with the London Marathon being postponed this year. So I thought about combining the fitness videos and raising money for Colostomy UK with the 2.6 Challenge. I chose to raise money for Colostomy UK as a couple of months after having my stoma I came across the charity and I found a lot of useful advice from the charity about being active with a stoma. Seeing inspiring stories from other active ostomates, advice on how to take part in sports and fitness, and so importantly that having a stoma should not stop you from being active.
My footie girls were in and up for taking part in the challenge. 26 exercises, 26 times, over 26 days! We did videos every morning, the family helped out, the dogs too! We ended day 26 with a group session online and we completed all 26 exercises together in just under 50 minutes. It was a great workout and we are going to continue a weekly online session together. As well as motivating people to be active we have raised over £1000 for Colostomy UK, and are still getting donations coming in. We are Stronger Together.”
Thank you to everyone who raised funds for and donated to Colostomy UK as part of the 2.6 Challenge. Your support makes a real difference.
If you’d like support Colostomy UK why not check out our great ideas on activities you can do at home
You can also make a donation to Colostomy UK here or through Virgin Money Giving or Just Giving.