Active ostomates: at Home. Chair yoga videos
19 May, 2020

Helping you be an Active Ostomate
It’s vital for our health, especially during lockdown to stay physically and mentally active.
After the launch of our online Meditation & Mindfulness, and Virtual Art classes, we’re proud to announce that the next activity from our ‘Active Ostomates: at Home’ programme is a series of chair yoga videos produced by Lisa Middleton.
We’ve been hosting chair yoga through stoma support groups since 2016 and it’s our most popular ‘Active Ostomates’ activity. In 2019 we delivered fifty six sessions throughout the UK to nearly 1200 participants so we’re delighted to be able to offer virtual sessions at this time when community activity is not possible.
Starting today we’ll be releasing a new video every Tuesday for the next four weeks. These are available free of charge and can be accessed through our website here
Each video will cover exercises for a different part of your body and together they make up a great week of activity that you can practice on a regular basis.
Week 1 – Arms & Hands
Week 2 – Neck & Shoulders
Week 3 – Hips, Legs & Feet
Week 4 – Side body & Twists
We hope you are all managing to stay safe and well at home, please reach out to us if we can help. Our 24-hour freephone stoma helpline, email and website are the best ways to get in touch with us. You can also find support and information via our Private Facebook support group, Tidings support magazine, digital advice literature and Live Chat on our website.