My First game – Michael Adams

Michael made his rugby league debut for Team Colostomy UK on November 9th 2019 against Aldershot & Fleet Masters in Hampshire. This is his story.

“Turning up to the rugby club car park for the first time since having had my operation, full of nerves and excitement. Walking in to the club to be greeted by my fellow team mates as if I was always there, the feeling of being apart of a team again instantly back with me. Pulling on the team shirt feeling immense pride when looking around the changing room at the rest of the team most in the same situation as me but still not letting it get in the way of what we love to do.

Running out onto the wet boggy field, warming up & throwing the ball around. The game kicks off and the first tackle lands, I’m standing with a big smile on my face thinking this is it I’m back.

As the game went on I felt more of my confidence coming back, getting stuck in as much as I could but yet not a worry about my stoma. Turning out for Team Colostomy UK was a massive achievement physically and mentally, I’m so happy to say that I’m part of a team again.”

If you’d like to play, volunteer or just find out some more information about Team Colostomy UK Rugby League email You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @teamcolostomyuk


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