LAUNCHING Step Up for Stomas!

01 June, 2021

Step Up for Stoma’s is a new initiative from Colostomy UK and we’re inviting you to walk, run, jog, skip, roll, crawl or hop 160,000 steps in the month of September to help you get more active, and to raise funds to help us better support ostomates and those who care for them.

Why 160,000 steps, we hear you ask. There are 160,000 people in the UK with a stoma so we’d like you to take a step for every single one of them. You can undertake the challenge on your own or combine your steps with others to form a team and reach the target together. It doesn’t matter if you’re active already or just looking to get fitter; either way, taking on our Step Up for Stomas challenge can only be a good thing!

It’s no secret that exercise is good for both your physical and mental health. Walking can help your mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and a negative mood. It can also boost self-esteem. Walking and running are some of the easiest ways to get more active and become healthier and you don’t need lots of equipment or a gym membership! As long as you have a trusty pair of trainers or walking shoes, you can Step Up for Stomas and start getting fitter.

Colostomy UK is a self-funding charity so every £1 we raise really matters!
As part of this challenge we would also love it if as many of you as possible could try to raise £160 or more. All funds generated will go towards supporting our key projects and services including our 24-hour Stoma Helpline, our new befriending service, and the continued production of Tidings magazine. It will also allow us to train more volunteers, encourage more ostomates to get active, and help us to campaign for a more stoma aware United Kingdom.

To find out more and to register to Step Up for Stomas, visit:

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