
Catherine Hunt – Trustee with HR experience

Catherine has worked in the City of London for over 30 years. As a Senior HR Lead she has a proven track record in generalist HR business partnership and change management programme delivery. Her life changed in April 2019 when she was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. During surgery, it was discovered that the cancer had spread and emergency bowel surgery resulted in a colostomy; appreciatively named, Marvellous Mavis. In June 2020, a reversal operation resulted in an ileostomy, which she called Miserable Maude! Successful reconstructive surgery and stoma closure has now taken place.

Catherine is passionate to spread the word about life as an ostomate and the symptoms of ovarian cancer and to promote the work of charities as well as raise the voice of advocates.  She is driven to influence and engage those who have the power to make decisions, such as MPs. But when not sending a letter to her MP! Catherine loves the theatre, particularly musicals as well as going to music concerts and festivals. She can regularly be found at Abba Voyage dressed in sparkles!

Q & A with Catherine

What motivated you to become a trustee of Colostomy UK and how did it come about?

The arrival of my colostomy was a shock; I hadn’t even heard of a stoma! I needed help and I found the Colostomy UK closed Facebook group, which was a great source of information. I then became aware of the charity’s national profile, projects and campaigns to deliver a positive change for ostomates. Therefore, when I saw the role for a Trustee with HR experience being advertised, I knew I had to apply in the hope that my professional and lived experience will enable me to support a charity that I believe is delivering an essential service in an area that just isn’t talked about enough.

What do you think you have to offer the charity as a trustee?

I’ve sat on a host of committees and groups throughout my career and hope to use this experience to collaboratively work with the chair, trustees, CEO, members of the operational team and volunteers. My personal development objective is to understand how a charity operates and I then aim to use my proactive communication style and professional experience to ensure that the charity is effectively positioned to achieve its objectives. Being a trustee will enable me to openly talk about the charity and life as an ostomate in the hope to create awareness of the charity’s activity and campaigns then help to support & promote them.

Why do you think charities matter?

Charities play a huge role in our society and offer support & guidance to people when they are often at their most vulnerable. This is my opportunity to give back to a charity that supported me at such a time.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of becoming a trustee?

Ensure you have enough time to give and if so, find a charity that’s aligned to your values and objectives and go for it!

What’s the one thing you are fearful of in becoming a trustee?

This is my first trustee role and it’s important to me to understand the trustee obligations and liabilities. I hope that the combination of my lived and professional experience will help me to contribute effectively.

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