Sarah Affleck – Fundraising trustee

Sarah has been in north Hampshire for the last 15 years, married to Marcus with whom she has two boys at secondary school.

Sarah’s career has always been within the charitable sector with a running thread of supporting people to live more independent lives. Starting as a support worker, Sarah went on to manage supported accommodation schemes, community outreach programmes and out of school clubs. Nearly seven years ago, Sarah moved into fundraising when she began volunteering for her local branch of Samaritans. Providing fundraising support, Sarah also served four years as a Trustee for the branch. Having fundraised across multiple income streams for several disability charities, Sarah now works for a national charity focusing on raising funds from charitable trusts, foundations and statutory sources. Sarah is a member of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising and holds a Diploma in Fundraising Practice.

For Trustees Week (Nov 3-9 2020)  we’re taking the opportunity to ask some quick fire questions Sarah about why she chose to become a trustee.

What made you volunteer as a Trustee for Colostomy UK?

Having always worked within the charity sector, I find supporting and empowering others incredibly rewarding and humbling.

I believe that in our busy lives, giving the gift of time can have a powerful impact and that it’s important to be able to share your experience and knowledge for the benefit of others.

Seeing the advert for a charity based so near to my home and for a role that is specific to my work, it felt right to apply.

What do you enjoy most about being a Colostomy UK Trustee?

So far, meeting everyone and the board’s desire to reflect and continually improve

What would you say to anyone who is thinking about becoming a Trustee with us (or elsewhere)?

Do it!

It opens your world, gives you the opportunity to learn and understand other’s perspectives.

You will have skills and experience that will be invaluable to charities and the time commitment is modest.

Can you tell us more about your Trustee role?

To support the fundraising efforts of the charity, through strategic support, guidance and hands on support where needed.

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