‘Active Ostomates: at Home’
Online Mindfulness and Meditation Classes from Colostomy UK.

Our Active Ostomate Mindfulness and Meditation classes will be taking place from Tuesday 25th of February 2025 at 09:45AM for 8-weeks.

Your instructor will be Sophie.

To sign-up for free, please register below by clicking the hyperlink and complete the pre-survey:

Mindfulness and Meditation – Active Ostomates at home for February 2025 | Portal Colostomy UK



About Sophie Mills, your teacher for the class

“My wish is to provide simple to follow, enjoyable meditation classes which encourage students to breathe deeply, relax the mind, enhance the immune system and maintain emotional, physical and mental balance.”
Sophie holds a BA (1st degree hons) in education and P.E. Before having her own four children, she worked as a primary school teacher, with children with special needs, and then at a PRU. She has spent the last 20 years teaching meditation and yoga full time. She teaches a number of classes weekly to over 200 students and runs a teacher training programme in Sussex.
Website: http://www.ditchlingyoga.com/


Stay in touch