Ash White joined Team Colostomy UK in 2022 to support his partner Lizzie.

His story is a great example of how we’re tackling the stoma stigma both on and off the pitch

“Colostomy’s  and stomas were something I’d heard of but never knew much about, that all changed meeting Lizzie.

Her confidence and openness when talking about her ileostomy was as inspiring as it was educating.

As with anyone though, she has her moments where confidence goes or frustration sets in, and it can be difficult to know how I can help with no experience or point of reference.

The comradery and support of all the members of Team Colostomy UK, provides a safe, empathetic and positive space. Beyond the banter, the frustrations, issues, and the trials and tribulations, are not only understood but actively spoken about and advice is given.

Joining Team Colostomy UK was important to me to help support Lizzie as best I can. Being part of the team has given me more of an insight to a world, that I admit, I knew very little about.

It also allows me to help #TackleTheStomaStigma

This has even gone so far as to start conversations at the rugby club I joined this season with a supporter that had a stoma and a player with concern that a potential stoma would mean the end of his rugby playing days. None of these conversations would have happened so easily if it weren’t for Team Colostomy UK.

The greater point though and the reason for the team, it proves that with the right attitude, a little bit of prep, and a bit (or a lot) of humour, there is nothing to stop you overcoming any obstacle, including playing a contact sport such as Rugby League”

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