Creating a ‘Stoma Aware’ United Kingdom

Our Stoma Aware campaign aims to tackle the stigma that still exists in some areas of society. The more society understands the easier it will become for people with stomas to lead fulfilling lives.

Over 200,000 people in the UK are living with a stoma. Being Stoma Aware matters to them because…

  • It helps to reduce isolation and tackle loneliness.
  • It helps tackle prejudice and discrimination.
  • It empowers people to live life to the fullest.

Our quick video explains why it’s important to be #StomaAware

Stoma Aware Pack – get involved

We’ve put together a pack for anyone who would like to support our Stoma Aware campaign.

It includes the following items all of which you can download through our website

Stoma Aware info-poster 

This is a simple but effective visual aid which explains what a stoma is, why people can have one, and the importance of being stoma aware

Stoma Friendly Toilets guidelines

Our guide to everything that’s needed to make a toilet stoma friendly

Stoma Friendly toilets letter

A great tool to present to businesses and other organisations which explains the changes they can make so their facilities are suitable for ostomates, and how they can get in touch with us for support.

If you would like to receive hard copies of our pack in the post please email

Our campaigns focus on specific areas where we believe we can make a difference to the day to day lives of people. please see some examples below and read our asks of the UK Government here

Stoma Friendly Toilets

  • Working with businesses, public bodies and policymakers to improve toilet facilities.
  • Raising public awareness of the stigma many ostomates face when using accessible toilets.
  • Find out more about stoma friendly toilets.

Travelling through UK Airports

Stoma Aware Training

Colostomy UK has been delivering Stoma Aware training for a number of years; however, the current format was introduced in 2017. The training seeks to educate organisations about the needs of ostomates, and the nature of hidden conditions. We educate organisations about what a stoma is, why someone might have a stoma and talk about ‘stoma stigma’. We talk about toilets, ostomates practical and emotional needs, infrastructure, and staff behaviour. At the end of the training, we act as a critical friend, supporting organisations to change their policies and procedures and overcome institutional prejudice.

If you have a bad experience, or if you know an organisation who would benefit from this training, please email Find out more about Stoma Aware Training.

Stay in touch