Travelling through UK Airports

We are working with The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to ensure that the needs of travellers with a stoma & other hidden conditions are better recognised.

We are also working with a number of UK Airports to deliver training to passenger-facing staff. This training helps staff better appreciate the needs that people with stomas have when travelling and, where necessary, enables them to engage and communicate with ostomates in a sensitive and understanding manner. Please get in touch with us if this might be of interest: hello

In July 2019 the CAA released their Fourth annual report on disability access at the UK’s largest airports. You can read the report here

You can also read more about the new CAA guidelines for making air travel more accessible by clicking here.

If you have a complaint about the way in which you were treated in a UK airport then, in the first instance, this should be directed to the CAA.

For more information contact us 

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