Stoma Friendly Accessible Toilets

People with a stoma have additional needs when using the toilet; even a simple day trip can be a potential source of anxiety. Because the condition is ‘hidden’, they often face discrimination too, being challenged or criticised for using accessible toilets. In our recent survey more than 30 per cent of respondents stated that they had experienced problems of this nature in shops, sporting venues and visitor attractions etc. Caroline’s story highlights the challenges she faces changing her bag in a public toilet.

The following changes are simple to implement and can make a huge difference to the experience of people living with a stoma. Many organisations including Sainsbury’s have made their toilets stoma friendly…join them.  Find out more about the work we have been doing. 


  • Hook on door – To hang clothing, handbags and luggage while changing stoma bags. This provides more space in the cubicle.
  • Shelf space – To enable ostomates to spread out their items easily and avoid having to use unsanitary surfaces.
  • Mirror – To enable users to see their stoma while changing their appliances.
  • Disposal bin in every cubicle – To avoid embarrassment for men and women having to dispose of their stoma bag in public view.


  • Accessible #stomafriendly toilet signage – To highlight the right of ostomates to use the toilet. Reduces risk of hostility for ostomates when using an accessible toilet.  We offer free of charge stickers
  • Accessories – Ensure toilet roll, paper towels, handwash and other items are well-stocked.

Further information

  • Hook on door – One hook at a height where items will not touch the floor is recommended. British Standards suggest two clothes hooks, one at 1050mm and the other at 1400mm above the floor. 
  • Shelf space – British Standards suggest a flat topped close-coupled cistern providing a stoma changing surface. For high or low level cisterns a separate stoma changing shelf 125mm to 150mm deep and preferably 400mm wide, with its surface 950mm above floor level, should be provided
  • Placing of shelf – When adding a shelf ensure that it is easily accessible and a person is able to stand in front of the shelf. See diagram below

A PDF version of these guidelines are available to download below.

Contact us if you would like to use our free of charge stickers

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