2022 Annual Prize Draw

09 March, 2022

How things have been for the prize draw

In the past years, the spring edition of our  magazine Tidings included a book of raffle tickets for our annual prize draw.

The amount raised each year from this prize draw makes a significant difference to Colostomy UK. It helps to run our support services including our stoma helpline and the production of our support documents.

This years prize draw

The draw is running as usual this year, but in a slightly different way. Rather than having a book of tickets, we are using two methods for entry. The print edition of Tidings has an entry form on page 19. Alternatively, you can buy tickets online on our Big Cartel shop.

Why the change?

Quite simply, it is to reduce costs for the charity so that more funds go towards supporting the ostomate community. The old way of doing things meant that we had to pay to produce the raffle tickets. There was also an insertion fee for the magazine. The new way of doing things removes both of these costs!

Mentioning a mistake

Some of you may have noticed that in the Spring 2022 edition of tidings (Issue 65) on the prize draw page, it states there are ten third place prizes of one thousand pounds to be won. This is a mistake. The prize draw third place prizes are only worth one hundred pounds. We apologize for this error.



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