Colostomy UK Lockdown memory quilt

01 May, 2020

Colostomy UK 2020 Lockdown memory quilt

Colostomy UK are looking to create a memory quilt to record ostomates experience of living with a #stoma during the Coronavirus lockdown, and we’d love you to take part.

Your finished square needs to be 20cm by 20cm so please use a piece of fabric 22cm by 22cm to enable us to sew it together.

You can use any fabric from a piece of clothing to a tea towel or bed linen.

You could use pens, photo transfer, applique or embroidery to decorate your square.

You can use a word, message, or picture that shows what lock down has been like for you.

The finished article will be auctioned to raise funds for Colostomy UK.

Please send your final designs by post to Colostomy UK, Enterprise House, 95 London Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4QA by 30th September 2020.

Please also let us know if you’d be happy for us to share your work on our social media accounts

Stay in touch