Contact Us

We are here to help you, so please get in touch if you require more information, have an enquiry or would like to offer your support. Here are the various ways in which you can contact us:

Write to us

Colostomy UK, 100 Berkshire Place, Winnersh, Wokingham, RG41 5RD

Phone us

Office Tel: 0118 939 1537
Usual hours are 10:00 – 18:00, Monday – Friday

Literature requests, travel certificates, general enquiries.

24-hour free stoma helpline

0800 328 4257

For practical and emotional stoma support. Please don’t call the helpline for general enquiries or medical help.

Email us

For general support and information enquiries

Marketing, Campaigning, Fundraising, Team Colostomy UK, and Commercial opportunities enquiries.

Any enquiries regarding joining our team as a volunteer, trustee or paid employee.

Feedback, concerns and complaints policy

Please click here for our Feedback, concerns and complaints policy

Stay in touch