Get involved

There are several ways that you can get involved with Colostomy UK.

Volunteer for us:

Volunteers are at the heart of our charity. Our volunteers support people with stomas, and their families, carers and friends in many ways. The skills, experience, time and energy they bring to our charity, make a difference to the lives of people in need.

Most of our volunteers have lived experience and want to support others living with any type of stoma, head to the Become a Volunteer page to find out more or you can email or call 0118 939 1537.

Fundraise for us:

We are a self-funding charity and get no statutory aid. This means that fundraisers are very important to us. Without their efforts, we couldn’t fund our services, projects and campaigns. Our fundraisers do everything from organising cake sales to running marathons.

If you would like to fundraise for us then please contact us and ask to speak to a member of our fundraising team.. You can e-mail us too : or call on 0118 939 1537. We can explain how we can  support your efforts and give you some great fundraising ideas too. As you’ll see, his emphasis is on the fun aspect of fundraising!

If you’d like a copy of our fundraising pack you can download it here

Campaign with us:

Join us in campaigning for a more Stoma Aware UK. For more information email or call 0118 939 1537

Play Rugby League for us:

There are loads of opportunities to play for Team Colostomy UK. Visit their web page for more details!

Create content for us:

Would you like to share your stories, hints and tips through our website and social media platforms. It could be a story or video content. whatever your idea get in touch!


Stay in touch