Get involved! Putting the ‘fun’ in fundraising at home

07 April, 2020

Fundraising at home

We’ve put together what we think is a great list of ideas for things people can do at home with their family or housemates, and raise funds for Colostomy UK at the same time .

From dance offs to Jenga or sponsored head shaves there’s bound to be something that you can do.

Colostomy UK is a self-funding charity that relies on donations. We would really appreciate your support.

Looking for inspiration

Animal dress-up

Coats, hats and more. Let’s get our furry friends kitted out!

Sponsored silence

Get your friends and family to sponsor an hour (or more!) of silence!

If you usually make a lot of noise, it could make others happy 🙂 and you’ll be doing your bit for Colostomy UK. It’s a win for everyone!

Swear box

Set up a swear box at home and any time somebody curses, they need to make a donation. If you’re not a house full of potty-mouths, you could set up a buzzword box instead – you’d need to pay up when anyone uses any of the most popular words used in your household

Ugly sweater party 

 Have you received a few ugly holiday sweaters as gifts? If those bad boys are still in your closet, put them to good use. Ask your family or housemates to join you in looking ridiculous.

Dye your hair

Dye your hair, beard or moustache – the crazier the colour, the better.

You could even auction off the right to choose the colour, or give that honour to the highest donor.

Rock-paper-scissors tournament

 You don’t need any special equipment to play rock-paper-scissors, just your hands. Set up a family tournament and charge an entrance fee.

Shave your head

Do what it says on the tin and shave your head for Colostomy UK!

And, gentlemen, if you dare to go further to your threshold of pain, go for waxing a a body part as well – funds will definitely be higher!

 Teddy bears picnic

Check out for some great ideas

Give something up

Alcohol, Haribo sweets, chocolate spread? Why not give something up for Colostomy UK for a month and ask people to sponsor you?

Gaming for good

Hold a gaming tournament – get your family, friends or office involved in a virtual gaming competition, and set up a fundraising page where everyone pays their entry fee.  Crown a gaming champion and raise money at the same time.

Host a games night

Jenga, Monopoly, Scrabble and Wii are just some of the ideas for a games night at home. Charge everyone an entrance fee and see who gets crowned champion!

Virtual quiz

Host a virtual quiz. Get your family and friends signed up. Check out for how to do it.

Sponsored dance-off

Get your friends together online or your family together in the sitting room and have a sponsored dance off! Why not set up a fundraising page and ask participants and all your friends to donate.

Setting up a fundraising page or making a donation

You can easily set up fundraising pages on JustGiving or Facebook. All the funds go directly to Colostomy UK, and you can share your pages online with your friends and family to encourage people to donate. You can also download a Sponsorship-Form 

You could also make a donation directly here or through Facebook

Get in touch

We’d love to hear what you’re up to so please get in touch by email to with your fundraising stories, or share them on social media (don’t forget to tag us into posts (@ColostomyUK).

Please also get in touch with any queries or questions you have.


Stay in touch