Become a volunteer

Giving your time as a volunteer is a great way to support us. We have around 100 volunteers that support us in many ways; from attending open days and answering the helpline to fundraising and campaigning. Our roles are flexible, some can be done remotely, and you don’t need to commit to huge amounts of time. We have roles to suit everyone, see below for more information.

Facebook Support Group Volunteer – You will be logged in and respond to posts as Colostomy UK. This may involve giving lived experience advice (never medical advice) or signposting back to our website.

Helpline Volunteer – You will be providing direct and immediate support to callers to the helpline, providing experience-based support, reassurance and advice. You will also be signposting to other relevant support and information.

Befriending Volunteer: One to one telephone support, for 1 phone call a week over an 8 week period, to support an Ostomate who may be socially isolated and would welcome support from a fellow Ostomate.

Our Facebook, Helpline and Befriender roles can be carried out remotely from the comfort of your home and we are completely flexible on time and date commitments, even an hour a week can make a huge difference!

Tidings Editorial Volunteer –  You could be Interviewing people for ‘Real Lives’ articles, and then writing up the story, editing pieces written by a healthcare professionals, leading on articles about other general topics or proofreading.

Fundraising Volunteer – supporting us with a variety of fundraising activities from supporting at fundraising events to researching potential new funders.

Events Volunteer – Being a representative and ambassador of Colostomy UK at events, this could be manning a stand at a show or open day, attending a support group or being a support at our Rugby games.

Awareness/Campaigning Volunteer – working in local communities to influence change for people living with a stoma, for example campaigning for stoma-friendly toilets.

All our volunteers receive comprehensive training, and we offer ongoing support. We have regular online volunteer meetings and social catch ups, a chance to interact with other volunteers and learn from each other.

You can apply to become a volunteer by clicking here.

If you want to find out more about volunteering, you can email or call us on 0118 939 1537 for a chat!

Stay in touch