Stoma Helpline We’re here 24 hours a day: 0800 328 4257
Or there are a number of other ways in which you can make a donation:
Please make your cheque or postal order payable to Colostomy UK and send it to us at:
Colostomy UK
100 Berkshire Place
Berkshire RG41 5RD
The amount you donate will be added to your mobile phone bill, or deducted from your pay-as-you-go credit, and you will receive a reply confirming your gift. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. For Terms & Conditions see
If you are an employee or occupational pensioner, payroll giving is a very easy way for you to make a regular donation directly from your pay, before tax is deducted. This costs you as the donor less, and we as the charity receive more – win-win! Ask your employer to add you to their payroll giving scheme.