For healthcare professionals

We provide a range of services and literature for healthcare professionals:

  • Mail out service for Open Days (no charge to nurses, restrictions apply)
  • Fully-trained volunteers to offer support to new patients (phone and hospital ) and attend local meetings.
  • Literature and factsheets offering help and advice to ostomates. Free to download. Hardcopies posted free within UK only.
  • Tidings magazine for your department and waiting room.


To order hardcopies please fill in the form below.

Support literature for professionals

We have a comprehensive list of support literature available. To order, please fill in your details in the form below and submit your requirements.

* Please complete all the fields marked with an asterisk

    Book/Leaflet Title


    Your Name

    Your Organisation

    Your Address Details

    Your Contact Details

    For details of how we use your data, please refer to our privacy policy. You can contact us at any time to change your data preferences

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