Caring for someone with a stoma

If you are caring for someone with a stoma we are here to offer advice and support.

Our ‘Caring for a person with a stoma booklet provides practical advice for staff in Nursing and Residential Homes and those who care for a colostomate at home. We also have a number of volunteers who are carers who are happy to speak with you and offer support. Please call us on 0800 328 4257 for further information on ways we can support you.


Teaching a person with dementia how to care for their stoma is not possible in all cases, but where possible, attempts should me made to encourage them.  With this in mind, Colostomy UK have partnered with Dementia UK to produce a useful booklet  ‘Caring for a person with a stoma and dementia’ that will guide you on helping a person change their bag and how to look after their stoma. This can be download below or copies are available by calling 0800 328 4257 or emailing us


We are running a pilot training project that allows individuals, support groups, care home and agency staff and reablement teams to benefit from an intensive three-hour workshop that covers everything from stoma management, to a guide to different appliances, common concerns, support from Stoma Care Nurses, and psychological issues connected with having a stoma. For further information please see our carers workshops page

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