Love, sex and relationships

Regardless of your sexual orientation, it’s natural to feel concerned about how stoma surgery might affect existing or future relationships.

Your stoma care nurse and G.P. are there to help you. But, at Colostomy UK, we understand that the subject is one that people find difficult to talk about. Luckily, there is plenty of advice literature available. This is both informative and reassuring. It can also be useful to read ahead of talking to your healthcare professional.

Two of the most recent publications can be accessed by clicking on the titles that follow:  “Sex and Parenthood”, (Hollister: Lifestyle Series); ‘Sexuality and Relationships’, (Dansac: Living With a Stoma Series).

Colostomy UK has a number of male and female volunteers who are willing to talk in confidence about any concerns. To arrange this please call our 24-hour helpline.

Research study: Sexual Wellbeing for those living with a stoma

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