Obtaining prescription supplies

When you leave hospital you will be given some stoma bags and a prescription for more. Your Healthcare professional will then give you prescriptions for further supplies. Your stoma care nurse will explain how the system works.

You can give your prescription to your specialist supplier or local chemist. You can choose where you get your bags from and which make of stoma bag you want to use. You need to feel as comfortable as possible when you’re wearing the bags, so it is important to choose the ones that suit you best.

Will there be any costs?

If you live in England, are under the age of 60 and have a permanent stoma you will need to apply for a prescription exemption certificate.You do this by completing form FP92A (obtained from your GP surgery) and returning it to your doctor. Once you have this certificate your prescriptions will be free of charge. You will need to renew this certificate every five years. However please take note that while your prescriptions are free of charge there is a cost to the NHS, so order responsibly and only what you need.

You will not be entitled to free prescriptions if you have a temporary stoma and live in England (unless you have been diagnosed with cancer). If you think you will have to pay for three or more prescriptions in three months, or thirteen or more items in twelve months, you may find it cheaper to buy a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC). If you have been told that your stoma may be temporary, please discuss this with your surgeon, stoma care nurse or GP.

Prescriptions in Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland are free of charge.

Click here for up-to-date information on prescription charges and exemptions.

Click here for details on the  Electronic Repeat Dispensing guidelines (erD)

Know your rights

You have the right to receive treatment that meets your needs and reflects
your preferences. The following document explains your rights as an NHS patient in England
with intimate health needs.

Know Your Rights – England – no CP

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team

How to access NHS supplies if you are visiting the UK from abroad

Stay in touch