Key stats from last year’s 50K Challenge
20 September, 2019

Last year our 50K Challenge encouraged people to get fit, and help us reach our target of 50,000 kilometres. The aim was to show that having a stoma need not be a barrier to being active. It ran from April to October and to say we were blown away with the results is an understatement. 356 of you helped us smash through the 50K barrier. The challenge didn’t just inspire, it also created some great stories of people making positive changes to their lives.
356 particpants
69,739KM achieved
£11,834 funds raised
Here is just some of the feedback we had:
“The challenge is inspiring, to get people up and about, and not letting your colostomy rule your life.”
“I am training to run 5K in under 31mins 40 seconds for Colostomy UK because chemo and a stoma are not going to stop me!!”
“Since my operation in January this year I have walked over 130 miles and don’t intend to stop. Having a stoma has given me my freedom back and allows me to do the things I love.”
“The challenge is great, it really did help inspire me to get back on my bike.”
Every penny that was raised was reinvested in our Active Ostomates project, allowing us to encourage even more people across the UK to get active.
Thanks to everyone who took part in 2018!