
English Tourism Week

18 March, 2021

Having a stoma shouldn’t prevent you from travelling. This week is English Tourism week and we’re pleased to share our tips to support you in having a happy holiday in the UK. We have advice on: what to pack, finding toilets, disposing of your bags, obtaining supplies, get a good nights sleep, eating out, swimming, and day trips. 

“17 March 2020, a day I’ll never forget…”

17 March, 2021

Today marks one year since the Colostomy UK Office Team moved to remote working due to the Covid-19. Colostomy UK General Manager, Libby Herbert, reflects the last 12 months and how the charity adapted to continue supporting ostomates despite the global pandemic.

From baby, to bag and beyond!

14 March, 2021

Following the premature birth of her son, Gillian was diagnosed a recto-vaginal fistula, abscess and 4th degree tear. The only option was to have a colostomy to divert faeces away from the wound to help it heal. After struggling for a year, Gillian resolved to start living her life as she had always wanted to and says “I’ve never looked back!”

Caring for a baby with a stoma

13 March, 2021

As today is Mother’s Day we’d like to recognise all the amazing mums (and dads) who are caring for children who have had stoma surgery. Vicki’s son Harry was born in February 2018 and had a colostomy formed. Vicki shares her tips for parents on caring for a child with a stoma.

Enjoy Zumba and family crafting from home!

12 March, 2021

Colostomy UK is launching two new ‘Active Ostomates: at Home’ sessions in April: Zumba, and Family Arts and Crafts.

These sessions form part of our ‘Active Ostomates’ project, which is aimed at improving the physical and mental well-being of people with a stoma.

Empowering you to own your journey

01 March, 2021

In this feature sponsored by Hollister Victoria Danson talks about living as an Ostomate for seven years. “I have shared my story to empower other ostomates. Hollister care and strive to make life more rewarding and dignified for people living with a stoma.”

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