Obtaining your next prescription

14 April, 2020

Obtaining your next prescription

(Joint statemented from the British Healthcare Trades Association, Colostomy UK, The Urostomy Association and The Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Association)

There has been some concern about supply of stoma and continence equipment in the current circumstances, so we felt that it would be helpful for you to see the guidance issued to GP practices and the suppliers of your equipment.  We hope that the statement from the product manufacturers will reassure you and that you continue to order your supplies in the normal quantities.

Please feel free to contact your supplier in the first instance, or Colostomy UK at info@colostomyuk.org if you have any queries or concerns.

Prescription requests: NHS England instructions to GP practices

GP practices should not change their repeat prescription durations or support patients trying to stockpile: these actions may put a strain on the supply chain and exacerbate any potential shortages.

Practices should consider putting all suitable patients on electronic repeat dispensing as soon as possible. The whole repeatable prescription can be valid for a year but each repeat should be for no longer than the patient has now. For example, if the patient has prescriptions for a month’s supply now then the repeat dispensing should be set up as 13 x 28 days’ supply.

Prescription requests: NHS England instructions to Pharmacies and Dispensing Appliance Contractors (DACs)

Pharmacies and DACs should not support patients trying to stockpile: these actions may put a strain on the supply chain and exacerbate any potential shortages. General practices have been asked to consider putting all suitable patients on electronic repeat dispensing as their next repeat prescriptions are issued.

In general, excess purchasing or stockpiling of medicines can impact adversely on the supply chain and can result in shortages. It remains important therefore for pharmacies and DACs not to do this.

Appliances: supply update

The demand for appliances has been very high over the last 2-3 weeks but the stoma and continence manufacturers are coping well in meeting this demand and have indicated they do not foresee any challenges in ensuring supply, to UK pharmacies and DACs, will be adequate to meet the ongoing needs of all patients.

Wales update http://www.cpwales.org.uk/getattachment/The-Health-Landscape/Coronavirus-Information-Updates/Repeat-Prescriptions-Guidance-During-Covid-19/Changes-to-REPEAT-PRESCRIPTION-processing-March-2020-final.pdf.aspx?lang=en-GB

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