Raising Money On JustGiving
10 September, 2019

Colostomy UK is a self-funding charity and receives no statutory aid. This means that fundraisers are very important to us. Without your efforts, we couldn’t fund our services, projects and campaigns.
Any amount big or small helps us to make a difference to the lives of people living with a stoma. Setting up an online fundraiser is quick and easy, and will save you hours of chasing up sponsorship money. One platform we recommend is JustGiving. It’s an online tool that can make fundraising easy. You can set up a fundraising event in 3 easy steps.

Step One
visit: www.justgiving.com/colostomyassociation
Click on the ‘Start Fundraising’ button.

Step Two
After entering your details, you’ll be asked what you want to do to in order raise runds for us.

Step Three
Simply fill in the details of who you are and why you wish to raise funds for us. Once completed the page will go live and you can share the link to anyone you wish. Send us the link and we will also help publicise what you are doing as well.
Try to add a photo of you on your JustGiving page. Fundraisers with photos raise 14% more on average!
Colostomy UK are on hand should you need help setting up a JustGiving page. You can contact us on our adminline: 0118 939 1537 or email Giovanni.cinque@ColostomyUK.org