Salisbury becomes a Stoma Friendly City
29 January, 2018

Salisbury City Council have been working closely with The Wessex Stoma Support Group, Colostomy UK and Crohn’s & Colitis to become the first Stoma Friendly City in the UK.
Work has been undertaken in the Council owned accessible public conveniences including the Market Place, Guildhall & Coach Station. People with a stoma have additional needs when using the toilet. Because the condition is ‘hidden’, they often face discrimination too, being challenged or criticised for using accessible toilets.
To make the public conveniences Stoma Friendly the Council has made the following modifications.
* Hook on door – To hang clothing, handbags and luggage while changing stoma bags. This provides more space in the cubicle.
* Shelf space – To enable ostomates to spread out their items easily and avoid having to use unsanitary surfaces
* Disposal bin in every cubicle – To avoid embarrassment for men and women having to dispose of their stoma bag in public view.
The Council have also placed ‘Not all disabilities are visible’ #Stomafriendly stickers on the doors to make users aware. The campaign created by the Colostomy UK, Crohn’s & Colitis UK and The Wessex Stoma Support Group aims to spread awareness of the ‘hidden’ condition.
Clare Matthews of Colostomy UK commented, “Colostomy UK is delighted that Salisbury City Council is leading the way in providing improved facilities for people with a stoma. In the UK, 1 in 500 people are living with a stoma and a suitable space for a shelf, a hook, to change a stoma bag, and suitable signage can make a huge difference to people’s lives’.
Cllr Jo Broom from the City Council said, “The Council understands that it is important to make these additions to our accessible toilets in the City Centre. We want to thank the organisations involved for bringing this to our attention and providing us with the support to achieve stoma friendly toilets in Salisbury.”
For more information please visit