Country County Group Contact
Channel Islands Guernsey Guernsey Ostomates Luci Deane T: 01481 236 077 E: lucideane58@gmail.com
Channel Islands Jersey Jersey Ostomy Society Fiona Le Ber T: 01534 445 076 E: jerseyostomysociety@gmail.com
England Wirral Wirral Stoma Support Group 07956 216218
England Berkshire Reading Bowel Cancer Support Group Ted Wingrove T: 0118 961 8297 or 07974 790 558
England Berkshire WAMS (Windsor, Ascot, Maidenhead & Slough) Stoma Support Group E: wamsstoma@gmail.com T: 0118 939 1537
England West Midlands Birmingham, IA Michael Jameson T: 0121 355 2745 / 07842 555 070 W: https://birmingham.iasupport.org/events
England Bristol Bristol Ostomy Self Support (BOSS) Margaret Slucutt 07967102141
England Essex Castlepoint Stoma Support Group Sally: 07779139953 or Sue: 07802773458
England Buckinghamshire High Wycombe Stoma Support Group T: 0800 318965
England Surrey Replumed - Frimley Park Hospital Support Group Meetings Stoma Department - 03006136301 Email:- fhft.stomacareteam@nhs.net
England Buckinghamshire Milton Keynes Stoma Support Group (MKSSG) E: support@mkssg.org.uk T: 07843768386
England Buckinghamshire You Are Not Alone Stoma Support Group - Chesham Carla: 07846 354 918 or carlawright0502@gmail.com
England Cambridgeshire Peterborough Stoma Support Group - Ostomistics Alan Wright T: 01354 653 290 / 07836 661 102 W: http://www.ostomistics.org/
England Cheshire Warrington Ostomy Support Group Louise or Joan T: 01925 454 813
England Cleveland Oops Group T: 01642 944324 E: stees.stoma@nhs.net
England Co. Durham Bishop Auckland Stoma Care Group Mrs Maureen Davison T: 01388 818 267 E: rdavison816@gmail.com
England Co. Durham Durham Stoma Support Group Lynn Ridley, T: 0191 333 2184
England Cornwall Cornwall Bowel Cancer Support Group James: 01872 241 145
England Cornwall Lanhydrock Ostomist Group Mandy Rowe T: 07980 432072 E: murphy.rowe781@btopenworld.com; Ceri Moore T. 07871926631 E. ceri.moore75@outlook.com
England Cumbria Stoma Support Groups in North Cumbria Stoma Care Nurses T: 01228 814 179
England Derbyshire F.I.S.H.Y.S. (Friendship, Information, Support & Help for Young Ostomates (age 18-45) Yvette: 07800646006 or fishysderbyshire@gmail.com
England Derbyshire Mercia Inside Out Stoma Support Group E: merciassgroup@gmail.com or Sally: 07500 441 442; Jackie: 07919002 612; Stuart: 07725909995
England Devon Devon IA E: devon@iasupport.org
England Devon Mid Devon Ostomy Support Group Janice: janice234ford@gmail.com or T: 07923 975 051
England Devon Plymouth & District Bowel Cancer Support Group Rita: 07855571840 or admin@plmdistbcsg.com
England Essex Connect Alan: 01279 411830 or comeconnectwithus@gmail.com
England Essex Mid Essex Stoma Support Group Paul: 01245 441 894 or fox.paul@hotmail.com
England Essex N.E.S.S (North Essex Stoma Support) Brian Waller T: 01206 540 449
England Essex Optimistic Ostomates Stoma Care Team Telephone: 01702 385158
England Essex STEPS - Stoma Essex Patients Support T: 01268451937, M: 07752234516 E: stepsessex@gmail.com
England Hampshire Replummed stoma support group W: www.replummed.me
England Hampshire Solent Ostomates Support Group (S.O.S.) T: 07527 707 069 E: solentostomates@hotmail.co.uk
England Hampshire Southern Ostomy Group Caroline or Karen T: 07756 819 291 E: southernostomygroup@hotmail.com
England Hampshire The Hampshire Ostomates Support Group Nicki Beare T: 07771 558 458 E: Hampshireostomatesgroup@gmail.com
England Hampshire Waterside Stoma Support Group Ian Gapp. iangapp13@gmail.com 07710288785
England Hampshire Wessex Urology Support Group Mrs Jo Stacey T: 07910 786 978
England Hertfordshire Ostofriends Stoma Support Group (Potters Bar) E: ostofriends@gmail.com T: 07596 748 376
England Hertfordshire Stevenage Ostomistics Judy Colston T: 0795 775 4237 E: neilcolston@btinternet.com
England Isle of Man IOM Bowel Cancer Patient and Carer Group Heather Norman T: 07624 480 973
England Isle of Wight Optimistics CNS's Sarah Capon & Sarah Varma T: 01983 534 009
England Isle of Wight The Baguette Group Debbie Lumley 01983 741384 Debbieattwiggs@gmail.com
England Kent Ashford Stoma Support Group Malcolm Jones mobile 07709 534463
England Kent Dartford Ostomy Group Support (DOGS) Tracey or John: T: 07779 155 846 or T: 07948 974 350 or E: dogs-uk@hotmail.com
England Kent Dover Stoma Friends Group Support Carolyn: 07720723445
England Kent GOGS (Gravesend Ostomy Support Group) Tracey T: 07779 155 846 or Helen T: 07710 780 958
England Kent M.O.G.S (Medway Ostomy Group Support) Tracey T: 07779 155 846; Helen T: 07710 780 958 or E: mogs-uk@hotmail.co.uk
England Kent Maidstone Stoma Support Group 01622 224305
England Kent Tunbridge Wells Stoma Support Group Cathy Chitty/Mags Donovan T: 01892 632 323
England Kent SWANS Stoma Support Group - Swanley Heather T: 07711 445 312 E: heather601@virginmedia.com
England Kent Thanet Stoma Buddies Support Group Kathy T: 01843 291 825
England Lancashire North Manchester and Bury Stoma Support Group Julie Meadows (SCN) T: 0161 720 2815 or 07774 263 563
England Lancashire Phoenix Bowel Cancer Support Group Sandra Peet T: 01772 683 790 W: www.phoenixgroupbvh.com E: sandrapeet7@aol.com
England Lancashire Bowel Buddies Preston Calum 07463 880 652 Vine House 01772 793 344
England Lancashire Kangaroo Klub, Blackpool stoma support group Blackpool Teaching Hospital T: 01253 956 620 or E: crc-stomanurses@bfwhospitals.nhs.uk
England Leicestershire Kirby Ostomy Support Group. Colostomy, Ileostomy and Urostomy in Leicestershire Janet Cooper T: 07464 957 982 E: kosg2013@btinternet.com
England Leicestershire Speak Stoma Group Candy Elliot candypoos@icloud.com
England London Bowel & other Cancer Support Newham T: 020 8553 5366
England London Homerton Hospital Bowel & Stoma Support Group Irene Fernandes and Glyn Fountaine Telephone – 02085105318 and Mobile – 07785971120.
England London Rectangle - Colorectal Cancer Support Group Regina Raymond T: 020 7472 6299
England London South Woodford Support Group Nurse Christina and Lisa T: 020 8535 6563
England London Bowel Cancer Support Group . Sue Berry T: 01737 553 134 or John Amos T: 020 8668 0796 john.amos@sechc.org.uk
England London Time 2 Talk Ifrah Mohamed T: 07463 838 718 E: mybodysauthor@gmail.com, Viki Palmer T: 07894 276 986
England London Newham Stoma support group Contact Lauren King T: 020 7055 5576
England Merseyside Bowel Cancer and Stoma Support Group (BeCauSe Group) Helen: 07729 750622 becauseliverpool@gmail.com
England Merseyside St Helens Cancer Support Group Bob Martin T: 01744 345 365 Email: contact@sthelenscancersupportgroup.org.uk
England Middlesex Inside Out Sarah Varma T: 0208 235 4110 Bob T: 020 8428 4242 Barry Caplan (Chair) E: abmc23@virginmedia.com T: 07811084514
England Norfolk The King’s Lynn and District Ostomy Support Group T: 01406 363756 or 01553 775698
England Norfolk STARS (SToma And Reconstructive Surgery social support group ) Sylvia Hughes T: 01263 733 448 E: sylvia.ruth.hughes@gmail.com
England Northamptonshire Northampton Ostomy Support Group T: 07801 316 403 (evenings) or Trish T: 07703 188 386
England Northumberland Berwick Ostomy Support Group Bobbie Minshull T: 07714 479 320
England Northumberland Hexham Ostomy Group Marie Douglas 07941 433 600
England Nottinghamshire North Notts Stoma Support Group Tore and Nicky Norman T: 01773 715 460
England Nottinghamshire Nottingham QMC Stoma Support Group Robin Ford T 0115 778 6463 E hello@nottingham-stoma-support-group.uk
England Nottinghamshire Nottingham Stoma Support Jenny or Kate T: 0115 962 7736/ Mrs B Heath T: 0115 966 3073
England Shropshire B.O.T.S. (Bums on Tums) Emily T: 07972519165 E: emily.hackworthy@live.co.uk
England Somerset Stoma Heroes Support Group Shane Green T: 07802 428 074 E: Shane@stomaheroes.com
England Staffordshire Outlook The North Staffs Ostomy Support Group Moira Hammond T: 07788 402 195 E: cm.hammond@ntlworld.com
England Staffordshire County Stoma Group Moira Hammond T: 07788 402 195 E: cm.hammond@ntlworld.com
England Suffolk East Suffolk Ostomy Group Ian Denison Tel : 01473 684865
England Suffolk James Paget Ostomy Support Group Sheila: 01493 600 934 or hshowlett@aol.com
England Norfolk James Paget Ostomy Support Group Sheila: 01493 600 934 or hshowlett@aol.com
England Suffolk West Suffolk & District Stoma Group Jessica Pitt stoma nurse T: 01638 515 525
England Surrey Epsom and District Stoma Support Group Lindsay, Trevor or Sheena T: 01372 735 925
England Surrey Guildford Stoma Support Group contact 01483 57 11 22 Extension 2558
England Sussex Brighton & District Support after Stomas (SAS) Virginia Keefe T: 01273 723775
England Sussex Chichester Stoma support Group The Stoma Care Team T: 01243 831 527
England Sussex The Ostomy Friends Group Jane Quigley T: 01323 417 400 ext 4552
England Sussex East Sussex Stoma Support Group Vicki Blaker Tel: 0300 131 4603 Email: esh-tr.StomaCareDept@nhs.net
England Sussex West Sussex Princess Royal Stoma Support Tina Walker T: 01444 441 881 ext 8318
England Tyne and Wear Gateshead Stoma Patient and Carer Support Group Stoma Care Nurses T: 0191 445 3152
England Tyne and Wear Sunderland Support Group Michele Downey T: 07704 949 30 E: micheledowney@outlook.com
England Tyne and Wear South Tyneside Hospital and Community Stoma Support Group Jane Barnes, Amanda Logan: stoma care nurses
England Warwickshire Warwickshire Stoma Support Group E: nuneatonstoma@aol.com T: Bob: 07564 680 803
England West Midlands Coventry Stoma Support Martin T: 07947385643 E mail: coventrystoma@btinternet.com
England Wiltshire Ostomy Mates w: www.swindon-ia.org.uk e: secretary@swindon-ia.org.uk
England Wiltshire Wessex Stoma Support Group Sally: 01980 611978 or 07485 574311; E:info@wessex-stoma.co.uk; W: wessex-stoma.co.uk
England Worcestershire Kidderminster & District Collossus Support Group Brendon Drew T: 01299 400 843
England Yorkshire Acorn Ostomy Support Group T: 07580 693 155 (After 6:00pm)
England Yorkshire Airedale Stoma Support Sue Hall T: 01535 646 373
England Yorkshire Barnsley Bottoms Up Stoma Support Group John at jkhminor2@gmail.com or 07980388966
England Yorkshire Behind You (Calderdale & Huddersfield Bowel Cancer Support Group) Stoma Care Nurses T: 01484 355 062
England Yorkshire Bottoms Up (for urology and colorectal cancer patients) John Whelpton T: 07974 657 146 E: midyorks.bottomsup@gmail.com
England Yorkshire Bradford Stoma Support Group Lisa Hall T: 07552 276 747
England Yorkshire Dewsbury & District Stoma Support Group June T: 07884 003 945 E: dews.ssg@gmx.com
England Yorkshire Hambleton and Richmondshire Ostomy Support Group Stoma Care Nurses - Judith Smith and Mary Hugil T: 01609 764 620 / 07736 295 131
England Yorkshire Leeds Bowel Cancer Support Group Lynda Castle (Colorectal Nurse Specialist) T: 0113 206 5535
England Yorkshire Scarborough Stoma Support Group Stoma Care Team T: 01723 342 388
England Yorkshire Second Chance Ostomy Yorkshire Jackie Butterworth, E: Secondchanceostomyyorkshire@gmail.com, T: 07544882353 https://www.secondchance-ostomyyorkshire.org/
England Christchurch StoMuchLove Christchurch Jess: jess.hurst@hotmail.co.uk
England Kent Canterbury Stoma Support Group Beth: 07999667515 or canterburyssg@gmail.com
England Gloucester Gloucester Ostomates Julie: 07979129001 or juliematthew@hotmail.com
England Herefordshire Herefordshire Stoma Support Group herefordstoma@gmail.com
Northern Ireland County Antrim Belfast City Hospital Stoma Nurses Audrey Steele, Karen Boyd, Kirsty Niblock, Annette Lambert, Emma Dunn T; 028 9504 5941
Northern Ireland County Armagh Craigavon Area Hospital Claire Young/ Lynn Berry/ Tanya Garvie T: 028 3756 1845 (Direct Line)
Northern Ireland County Armagh Daisy Hill Hospital Support Group Bernie Trainor T: 028 3756 2932 (Direct Line)
Northern Ireland County Down Ulster Hospital Sarah, Jacqueline and Lisa. The Colorectal Nurse Specialists T: 028 9055 0498
Northern Ireland Londonderry Causeway Support Group Mary Kane T: 028 7034 6264
Republic Of Ireland County Mayo Mayo Stoma Support Marion Martyn T: +353 94 902 1733
Republic Of Ireland Dublin Bowel Cancer Support Group (ICS) Dublin National Cancer Helpline T: +353 1 800 200 700 or Olwyn Ryan T: +353 1 231 0500
Scotland Glasgow Providing Ongoing Ostomy Support Scotland CIC email; info.poosscotland@gmail.com web: www.poosscotland.co.uk/peer-support-groups
Scotland Hamilton Providing Ongoing Ostomy Support Scotland CIC email; info.poosscotland@gmail.com web: www.poosscotland.co.uk/peer-support-groups
Scotland Coatbridge Providing Ongoing Ostomate Support Scotland CIC email; info.poosscotland@gmail.com web: www.poosscotland.co.uk/peer-support-groups
Scotland Ayrshire Ayrshire & Arran Stoma Support Group Hugh Strathearn T: 07837 464 376
Scotland Ayrshire Stoma Care And Recovery (SCAR) Maggie T: 01294 271 060/ 0781 773 6147 E: maggie13@sky.com or Rhona T: 01294 557 478
Scotland Angus Dundee Stoma Support Group Rachel.ferguson2@nhs.scot 07581 797605
Scotland Greater Glasgow Glasgow Stoma Support group Morag Sinclair T: 0141 779 1322 or Jackie McChesney T: 01505 324 052
Scotland Moray Moray Ostomates Support Group Hazel T: 07926 300450 / Kathleen T: 07789 684285
Scotland Scottish Borders Stoma Support Group Fiona Gentleman E: r.gentleman@sky.com T: 01450 371 063
Scotland West Lothian Bring Your Own Bag Stoma Support Group Western General Stoma Team T: 0131 537 1000
Scotland Edinburgh Edinburgh Support group - Providing Ongoing Ostomate Support Scotland info@poosscotland.co.uk
Scotland Angus Angus Stoma Support Group Valerie 07359766289
Wales Mold 3 Bags Full Sharon Davis - 07359 267075 Robert Rowley - 07429 622635 Paul Hunt - 07802 499049 Lindsay Hicks - 07545 431723
Wales Aberystwyth West Wales Stoma Support Group Shirley Jones E: westwalesstomagroup@gmail.com
Wales Conwy North Wales Ostomy Support Group Hazel T: 07976 817 246 or Lesley T: 07828 837 325
Wales Gwent Cwmbran Ostomy Support Group (COSG) Philippa T: 01633 791 339 / 07504 713 069 E: pip112002@yahoo.co.uk
Wales Mid Glamorgan C.A.S.S Colorectal and Stoma Support Group Chairperson T: 01685 877 144
Wales Pembrokeshire PSA (Pembrokeshire Stoma Association) Rosemarie Rees Paton T: 01437 532 473
Wales Powys The Bracken Trust Cancer Support Centre Helen Davies T: 01597 823 646
Wales Rhondda Cynon Taf Royal Glamorgan Stoma Care Support Group Domenica Lear T: 01443 443 053

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