Stoma Support Groups in Berkshire
20 September, 2019

Living with a stoma can feel very isolating, not having anyone else in your life who has been through the surgery or can understand some of the challenges. That’s where stoma support groups can help. Meet other people who have a similiar story to yourself. Trade tips, share advice and make new friends. Here are the stoma support groups in Berkshire…
E.B.O.C (East Berkshire Ostomy Club)
When: Every Monday afternoon, except Bank Holidays, 2-4pm
Where: Martins Heron & The Warren Community Centre, Whitton Road Martins Heron, Bracknell, RG12 9TZ
Contact: Jackie Dudley: 01344 426 652
Reading Bowel Cancer Support Group
When: Every third Tuesday of the month, 2-4pm
Where: Earley Crescent Community Centre, Warbler Drive, Lower Earley, Reading RG6 4HB (next to the Police Station)
Contact: Ted Wingrove 0118 961 8297 or 07974 790 558
WAMS (Windsor, Ascot, Maidenhead & Slough) Stoma Support Group
When: 2nd Monday of each month, 7-8:30pm
Where: Dedworth Green Baptist Church, Smiths Lane, Windsor, SL4 5PE
Contact: If you are interested in joining then please e-mail Giovanni: or call on 0118 939 1537