#stomafriendly toilet stickers

31 October, 2016

We are delighted to announce that our new stoma friendly toilet stickers have arrived.

These stickers form part of our stoma friendly society campaign to ensure that facilities across the UK meet the needs for people living with a stoma.

The stickers will be sent to organisations we have endorsed as being #stomafriendly and give users peace of mind that they can find a hook, shelf and disposal bin in the toilet.

Sticker on white

Our Campaign
Most loos do not meet the requirements of people with an ostomy and increase the risk of accidents and embarrassment for ostomates. The following changes are simple to implement and can make a huge difference to the experience of people living with a stoma:


  • Hook on door – To hang clothing, handbags and luggage while changing stoma bags. This provides more space in the cubicle.
  • Shelf space – To enable ostomates to spread out their items easily and avoid having to use unsanitary surfaces.
  • Disposal bin in every cubicle – To avoid embarrassment for men and women having to dispose of their stoma bag in public view.


  • Accessible toilet signage – To highlight the right of ostomates to use the loo. Reduces risk of hostility for ostomates when using an accessible toilet.
  • Mirror – To enable users to see their stoma while changing their appliances.
  • Accessories – Ensure loo roll, paper towels, handwash and other items are well-stocked.

If you already provide these facilities, then we can provide you with stickers for your accessible toilets.

To find out more about our stoma friendly loos campaign or to be endorsed by us visit our campaign page 

Stay in touch