Stoma Helpline We’re here 24 hours a day: 0800 328 4257
We are here if you have questions, need support or just want to talk to someone who lives with a stoma. We won’t be able to offer medical advice, however we can help with practical and emotional support. When you call our helpline, you will speak with one of our volunteers or a member of the office team. Our volunteers all have a stoma, are fully trained and will be answering your call from their home. If you are unable to get through, please leave a voicemail and we will call you back the next working day. Please note that out of hours, we have one volunteer answering the line at a time, so your call may go through to voicemail if someone else is on the line.
Please don’t call the helpline for general enquiries. Our admin line 0118 939 1537 is open Monday to Friday, from 10am to 4pm for all general enquiries including ordering literature, donating, and Tidings questions.
If your support query isn’t urgent, you can email us and we will do our best to reply within two working days.
Our contact with you remains strictly private and confidential. We will never pass on your personal data without your consent.