Swim with a stoma: free liverpool sessions

26 February, 2019

Active Ostomates swimming

Ready to take the plunge?

Colostomy UK are pleased to announce that our first Active Ostomates swimming session of 2019 will take place at Sport Liverpool on Wednesday April 10th from 3pm to 5pm.

This session is completely free for ostomates and their family members. We have booked out the whole pool, and the changing facilities especially for the session. There is no structure or ‘planned activity’ just enjoy the pool at your own leisure. This is a chance to enjoy a swim in a supportive environment.

Our Liverpool session follows on from similar activity in 2018 that took place in Kent and then the North East of England.

You don’t need to take any additional steps to enjoy a swim. Your stoma bag has been designed with water in mind, although if stickers come with your box, they can be used to cover the filter and stop it clogging in water.

For further information or to book your place please email Giovanni.cinque@colostomyuk.org or call 0118 939 1537


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