Tidings magazine wins BMA award
24 September, 2019

We are delighted to announce that Tidings, Colostomy UK’s quarterly magazine, won a Highly Commended award at the British Medical Association’s Patient Information Awards this year. The awards ceremony was held last week at BMA House. Richard Biddle (editor) and Rosemary Brierley (previous editor and current member of the editorial board) were proud to attend on our behalf.
The awards panel had the following to say about Tidings:
‘This is a great resource pretty much written by patients for patients. Patients as experts seem to be the main focus and the articles are written by them in an authoritative and ‘professional’ but patient-focused way. This resource is widely disseminated and the number of people it reaches is very impressive.’
History of Tidings
Tidings have been published since July 1998. Since then our readership has grown steadily. Today we produce over 80,000 copies a year, and have a readership of around 69,000 people per issue.
A vital resource
We frequently receive praise from our readers. They like the mix of ‘real lives’ stories, Colostomy UK news and articles from healthcare professionals. Indeed, many ostomates tell us that they read the magazine from cover to cover and retain their copies for future reference! Healthcare professionals hold Tidings in similar high regard.
Accessible for all
If you’d like to register to receive a copy of Tidings each quarter simply fill in the form and join us or call our adminline: 0118 939 1537