Volunteer Spotlight: Irene Constable

03 June, 2019

Colostomy UK: volunteers week Irene

June 1-7th is Volunteers’ Week and a chance to celebrate and say thank you for the fantastic contribution hundreds of volunteers make across the UK to the lives of ostomates.

Just one of the people we’d like to highlight is Irene Constable.

Irene has been with Colostomy UK since 2011. She helps to run the Shropshire Bums on Tums (BOTS) stoma support group.

As well as being part of our helpline team she takes ad-hoc call referral requests during the day and also represents Colostomy UK at open days.

Irene’s biggest achievement last year was her crusade to make Shropshire a stoma friendly county. As a result of her hard work and persistence various town councils including Oswestry and Great Dawley have now upgraded their accessible toilets, as have the Shrewsbury and Telford hospitals.

This May she appeared on BBC Radio Shropshire talking about the challenges ostomates face regarding public toilets and explained how our Stoma Friendly Society campaign was trying to tackle issues such as these.

And, if all the above wasn’t enough… Irene also helped organise the first Colostomy UK ‘Caring for a person with a stoma’ workshop in Shropshire, which took place in April at Oswestry town hall.

Thanks for everything Irene and keep up the good work!

You can find Irene exhibiting with her stoma support group, BOTS at our BIG open day, June 22nd Telford International Centre.Colostomyuk become a volunteer

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